Today marks our one month anniversary (birthday?), and as you will see, we’ve been very busy bringing you the latest and greatest in Chinese ham radios.
We’ve been adding a heap of new radios and have also added a whole new section on antennas too. We’ve also been getting quite a bit of attention after being featured on some very popular websites.
New Radios
- Baofeng UV-17
- Quansheng UV-K5
- HamGeek PMR-171
- UA3REO Wolf
- HamGeek TBR-119
- Baofeng UV-13 Pro
- Talkpod A36Plus
- AnyTone AT-5555N
- M0NKA mcHF Clones – Deep dive into the many different models
- Tidradio TD-H8
New Antennas
- BA5IK 40m-10m End Fed Half Wave (EFHW)
- BD7IBI 5.6m Stainless Steel Telescopic Whip
- BD7IBI 5.6m Stainless Steel Telescopic Whip Kit
- 2m/70cm Yagi (3 element plus 5 element)
- Xiegu VG4
- Abbree HF-3
- JPC-12 Kit
- JPC-7 Kit
Ham Imports around the web
- Somebody posted a link to us on Hacker News, which is one of the most visited sites on the web. We even made the front page, which brought in so many visitors that the server fell over for a brief period! We soon got this fixed, and other than 20 minutes or so of downtime, the server coped quite well.
- We were featured in the September 9th edition of the Amateur Radio Weekly newsletter. If you don’t already subscribe, you’re missing out – it’s a great resource for the community.
- We were also featured in the daily version, which posts new links every day.
- We’ve been added to the DX Zone link directory, alongside heavyweights like RigPix. Please give us a 10/10 rating over there, to help us compete with the big boys!
- We have been featured on the Ukrainian blog UR-QRP Club.
- Also on the Radio Amateurs France blog.
- Have you spotted us being mentioned anywhere else? Let us know.
- We’ve been slowly building our follower base on Twitter. We would very much appreciate any new follows/retweets/likes to help us get going – it’s also the best way to stay up to date with new equipment being added to the site.
- We’ve started building a list of all ham radio related accounts: The Ultimate Ham List. You can follow this one list to stay up to date with what’s happening in the ham community around the world.
I think that about wraps it up. Please share a link to Ham Imports with your club/Facebook groups and so on, it really helps us get off the ground. Thank you so much for all the support, it really means a lot. Oh, we do have some stickers and pin badges on the way, so look out for a give away coming up soon!