Latest VGC VR-N76 Firmware Enables Full KISS TNC Control

The latest firmware update for the VGC VR-N76 handheld radio introduces significant enhancements, particularly in enabling full KISS TNC (Terminal Node Controller) control via Bluetooth. This development opens up a world of possibilities for ham radio operators, providing greater flexibility and interoperability with various applications on smartphones.

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Xiegu X6100 firmware update to v1.1.8

Xiegu have just released an update to the Xiegu X6100 which fixes a number of well-known bugs, and make a number of improvements to features such as the waterfall, bluetooth, and wifi.

Changes in this version:

  1. Adjust the gain allocation in the baseband section, improve the received signal- to noise ratio, reduce broadcast crosstalk, and minimize birdies.
  2. Adjust the spectrum/waterfall automatic level tracking mode, improve the signal contrast when dealing with strong signal, easier to distinguish between signal and noise.
  3. Add audio spectrum/oscilloscope switch, turn off the spectrum/waterfall diagram can be exclusive display.
  4. Fix a bug where MFK tags could not be saved.
  5. Optimize the NR algorithm.
  6. Adjust the following CI-V data format:
  7. Adjusted the operation logic of the WLAN settings interface
    Key description:
    F1(CONFIG):Edit the selected SSID in the left list (the selected SSID will be displayed in the Config SSID text box)
    F2(CONNECT/DISCONNECT): Connect/disconnect the selected SSID in the left list
    F3(WIFI SWITCH):Turn on/off WIFI power
    F4(TOGGLE/KEYBOARD):TOGGLE is displayed when the right button switch is selected. Press it to change the state of the button switch (on or off).
    Press while the text box is selected to turn on/off the virtual keyboard
    ###knob description:
    MFK knob: Adjust the selected item in the left list
    VFO knob: Adjust the widgets selected on the right
    ###Other description:
    The virtual keyboard automatically selects the initial state according to different text boxes for quick input
    Numbers and decimal points can be input quickly through the handle
  8. Adjust the operation logic of BLUETOOTH setting interface
    ###Key description:
    F1(SCAN):Start scanning
    F2(CONNECT/DISCONNECT):Connect/disconnect the Bluetooth device selected on the left
    F3(ON/OFF): Turn on/off Bluetooth power
    F4: No function
    ###knob description:
    MFK knob:Adjust the selected item in the left list

Download: Xiegu X6100 firmware v1.1.8

Shout out to Andeas M0FXB for the heads up about this. He’s done a great video overview here:

Xiegu X6200 Firmware upgrade v1.0.1

A new firmware upgrade has just been released for the Xiegu X6200 taking it to version 1.0.1, fixing a few bugs, and introducing a few new features.

There is an official firmware upgrade tutorial from Xiegu, and Matt from the Tech Minds YouTube channel has also provided a video overview of the new features and the upgrade procedure.

Highlights of this new version:

  1. Adds transceiver audio equalizer
  2. Adds display adjustment options, bandwidth/spectrum/waterfall color, etc
  3. Adds the spectrum center line switch, the user can choose to turn on or off
  4. Adds MFK variable step
  5. Adds voice compression
  6. Adds automatic screen backlight dimming/off
  7. Adds CW decoder threshold adjustment
  8. Adds the waterfall map translation switch, the waterfall map will translate with the frequency change after opening
  9. Optimizes frequency spectrum display speed, more smooth
  10. Optimizes spectrum and waterfall automatic level, better signal contrast, easier to see clearly
  11. Optimizes the function key operation logic (some switch parameters can be adjusted directly by pressing the button without turning the MFK knob, easy to operate)
  12. Fixes some display content display incomplete issue
  13. Fixes the power alarm BUG
  14. Fixes the CW auto key BUG
  15. Fixes the transmit power control BUG(voice plosive sound, such as p,t, etc., is prone to to make popping sounds)

Download X6200 firmware v1.0.1

Our first month online!

Today marks our one month anniversary (birthday?), and as you will see, we’ve been very busy bringing you the latest and greatest in Chinese ham radios.

We’ve been adding a heap of new radios and have also added a whole new section on antennas too. We’ve also been getting quite a bit of attention after being featured on some very popular websites.

Continue reading “Our first month online!”

Latest Xiegu X6100 firmware update enables wfview

Xiegu has released firmware version 1.1.7 for the Xiegu X6100 radio. This update introduces several new features and improvements.

The biggest new addition is support for the wfview remote control software, which allows you to control and monitor the X6100 from a computer or mobile device over WiFi or Ethernet. You can view the radio’s spectrum display on a larger screen and control functions from a keyboard or numeric keypad. Wfview works on Linux, Mac, and Windows computers.

This update also improves the battery management system. It now uses the built-in fuel gauge to measure battery capacity rather than just voltage. The release notes provide instructions for recalibrating the fuel gauge after updating through 4 full charge/discharge cycles. It also changes the charging indicator lights and how low battery is detected.

Some other notes mention that the best performance is achieved when connected to your network via an external USB Ethernet dongle, instead of the internal wifi. This makes for a much more reliable connection. As always, be sure to read the full update logs for any other details or precautions regarding the new firmware.

If you have an X6100, now would be a good time to update to the latest firmware version 1.1.7 to gain wfview support and improved battery monitoring. Just be aware it may take a few charge cycles for the fuel gauge to calibrate accurately after installing the update.

Xiegu X6100 firmware files.