Xiegu has released firmware version 1.1.7 for the Xiegu X6100 radio. This update introduces several new features and improvements.
The biggest new addition is support for the wfview remote control software, which allows you to control and monitor the X6100 from a computer or mobile device over WiFi or Ethernet. You can view the radio’s spectrum display on a larger screen and control functions from a keyboard or numeric keypad. Wfview works on Linux, Mac, and Windows computers.
This update also improves the battery management system. It now uses the built-in fuel gauge to measure battery capacity rather than just voltage. The release notes provide instructions for recalibrating the fuel gauge after updating through 4 full charge/discharge cycles. It also changes the charging indicator lights and how low battery is detected.
Some other notes mention that the best performance is achieved when connected to your network via an external USB Ethernet dongle, instead of the internal wifi. This makes for a much more reliable connection. As always, be sure to read the full update logs for any other details or precautions regarding the new firmware.
If you have an X6100, now would be a good time to update to the latest firmware version 1.1.7 to gain wfview support and improved battery monitoring. Just be aware it may take a few charge cycles for the fuel gauge to calibrate accurately after installing the update.