The new generation G1M is an entry level 5W portable QRP radio built on an SDR architecture. It is based on a 16bit-codec, which will bring excellent performance. It also adds wideband receive which enables you to listen to the news broadcast to the world in addition to communication signals.
Band: Wideband RX
The Xiegu G106 is a 5 watt QRP transceiver with a general coverage receiver 0.55-30 MHz with SSB/CW/AM transmit capabilities in the 80 to 10 meter amateur radio bands, including WARC bands. The G106 also has Wide FM receive in the broadcast FM band 88-108 MHz and a few short wave bands.
The BG2FX FX-4CR is a third-generation Software Defined Radio (SDR) HF transceiver that offers a power range of 1-20W, which can be continuously adjusted to suit your needs. This device supports various modes, including USB, LSB, CW, AM, and FM, and features a built in sound card.
RX-888 Mk II
Manufacturer: Unbranded | Categories: HF / SHF / UHF / VHF | Type: PC Accessory / SDR
Wideband, computer controlled SDR receiver with dual antenna inputs.