A new firmware upgrade has just been released for the Xiegu X6200 taking it to version 1.0.1, fixing a few bugs, and introducing a few new features.
There is an official firmware upgrade tutorial from Xiegu, and Matt from the Tech Minds YouTube channel has also provided a video overview of the new features and the upgrade procedure.
Highlights of this new version:
- Adds transceiver audio equalizer
- Adds display adjustment options, bandwidth/spectrum/waterfall color, etc
- Adds the spectrum center line switch, the user can choose to turn on or off
- Adds MFK variable step
- Adds voice compression
- Adds automatic screen backlight dimming/off
- Adds CW decoder threshold adjustment
- Adds the waterfall map translation switch, the waterfall map will translate with the frequency change after opening
- Optimizes frequency spectrum display speed, more smooth
- Optimizes spectrum and waterfall automatic level, better signal contrast, easier to see clearly
- Optimizes the function key operation logic (some switch parameters can be adjusted directly by pressing the button without turning the MFK knob, easy to operate)
- Fixes some display content display incomplete issue
- Fixes the power alarm BUG
- Fixes the CW auto key BUG
- Fixes the transmit power control BUG(voice plosive sound, such as p,t, etc., is prone to to make popping sounds)